Tuesday 17 August 2010

one foot over the rainbow

I spent last weekend with my foot elevated after finally getting it Xrayed at hospital. I injured it in Majorca four weeks ago and in my usual obstinate way refused to get it checked out. Of course when I did it was to learn that I had broken a metetarsal (at least it sounds sporty!) A further visit to the trauma clinic yesterday basically just told me "it will get better in a week or two" so that's my visit to the NEC and the Festival of Quilts knocked on the head. I am fed up about that as apart from the amazing work on display I just love the shopping! so many traders with stuff I covet! Oh well, it's back to t'internet..... I filled in that foot up time with another doodle.


  1. Sorry about the foot but at least you can still keep busy. The new doodles are amazing.

  2. Sorry you missed the NEC quilting thing, a friend of mine went and was incredibly excited about it. She went armed with camera and note book. I am looking forward to seeing her pictures.
