These days of enforced staying in (promised the kids I won't do anything stupid! as if staying in will prevent that!) However, I really appreciate that it would be stupid to tread on the untreated ice outside the door, although not to speak to soon there are signs of a mini thaw out there. Enough of weather. To get back to the start of this text, staying in has forced me to seek a new challenge, I am tired of everything I have been doing recently, so having ironed loads of painted and dyed silk and browsed through my bookshelves. I realised that the one discipline I have been avoiding is felting. Last year I bought a machine, found a shop in Utrecht with a great supply of material at bargain prices, came home fired up and found a) the machine scared the pants off me and b) I wasn't enamoured of the whole thing. What I was producing didn't look anything like I thought it should.
So, obviously this was what would be my challenge this month, something I am scared of and could take my time over.
I did a couple of brooch sized pieces but felt, no pun intended, that I had to do something bigger that could be embellished to death to cover any failings. I did this piece using a hand felter (still terrified by the speed of the machine) so here's the WIP