Saturday, 27 December 2008
phacing my spheres

spent far too much time today playing with spheres and gradients.
I know they say housework won't kill you,but why take the chance?
Friday, 26 December 2008
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Lily is published!
Christmas day

Well, it's finally Christmas. All the hype and preparations over and a very successful day for the local branch of the family. As you can see from the pictures both Lily and Paige had a great day and you can imagine the expression on Paige's face when she saw a car on the drive- she can't wait until she is 17 in 4 days and can legally sit behind the wheel on a public road. Lily has her bike and a girl and boy doll who can do practically anything a real baby can do.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Friday, 19 December 2008
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Sunday, 14 December 2008
new toy

Well, I'm back from my holiday and have taken time off from the panic about not having prepared for Christmas before I went away to play with my new toy. I have had this splendid piece of equipment for some weeks but it was a visit to a shop in Utrecht which had gorgeous colours in wool fibres which concentrated my mind. The only thing I can't resist is temptation and there was room in my case wasn't there?
Monday, 8 December 2008

Not only did we have the excitement of Sintaklaas but while I was there, Number One grandson Nicholas and Florine got the keys to their new house so the extended family were able to join in the celebrations as we discussed just where everything is to go and enjoyed the view over the lake from the upper floors and the amazing fold -back windows in the living room.
after Sintaklaas
well I'm back, after a full and exciting visit to family in Holland.
Izzie has chicken pox but isnt letting that get in the way of enjoying the festivities. Her little cousin Heike(I think I have spelled that wrong) is a six month old charmer who smiled his way through the whole evening.
His daddy, Melle made the splendid auto which Izzie couldn't wait to take to the shops next day.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
candy universe
candy universe
Originally uploaded by bostinstuff
remembering the colouful sweets we loved when we were young(er)
Monday, 24 November 2008
a more colourful path
a more colourful path
Originally uploaded by bostinstuff
spent more time than I intended playing with this one today. The 'spheres' are aglass pebble and I have tried to give them a more transparent look
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Originally uploaded by bostinstuff
I scanned the painted cotton I used for the wall hanging and played with it in Photoshop
arty stuff

I painted the background to this piece a while ago and couldn't decide what to make of it (well, I am Pisces) and I had some small squares of muslin that I had dyed for a wall hanging so I stitched them to the background but felt it was too bland. So, old favourite Bondaweb came to the rescue. I painted a 30cm.piece in rainbow stripes and when it was dry, ripped it into rough pieces and ironed them on top.
The background had already been backed with wadding but I decided to staple the finished piece to a canvas as I didn't fancy quilting over the Bondaweb.
It makes a bright splash on a dull day.
I have begun a bigger version
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
heating up

Earlier this year I bought the book Hot Textiles by Kim Thittichai and have just finished this small wall hanging(20x29cms) and really enjoyed playing with the heat gun etc. Again, I already had a background piece of felt with odd bits of paint and embroidery on so I added some bits of yarn and fibre,backed a piece of voile with Bondaweb and layed it on top and 'zapped' it. Finally, I added some extra beads and thread. I met Kim at the Knitting and Stitching show at the NEC in September and had the opportunity to buy some more 'stuff' to experiment with. I would like to take a class with her if I get the chance. In the meantime I am trying to use some of the mountain of unfinished bits I already have.

The bling collar and brooches and pendants have been a way for me to get back into making stuff after a period of not being able to get going with anything. One of those blank times we all hit and goodness knows I have a roomful of 'stuff' just crying out to be used.
I have used bits of embroidery and crochet as background for the beading. The collar is crocheted from one of those balls of yarn I buy and never know what to do with.
I said I would!

I have been talking about starting this blog for months and now having messed about for days,changing the layout,my profile,and photo, finally I have reached a point where I have no possible reason to not actually say something.
It feels a little like having a new exercise book at the beginning of term,you know you will eventually smudge something or cross out and blot a page but for now it's all new and a bit scary.
So, since the main reason for doing this is to share with others what I am making and get feedback to improve my techniques as well as sharing family stuff I will start with some bits of 'bling'
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